The gods are watching.

Today our Gregorian calendar is expected to be used for eternity. It only needs to be adjusted by one day every three thousand three hundred years. Because of our technologically based civilization, we measure years with numbers of seasons and have no need to look toward the heavens. Time is provided by computers with such accuracy, that we take it for granted. The concept of time is so engraved in our imagination, that we are dumbfounded by the realization that time does not even exist. Our scientists have merged time and space into a common set of equations with the appellation of "space-time" to signify a higher essence called reality. Regardless of the mathematical precision of our "space-time" coordinates, both space and time are imaginary. They are concepts that our teachers have passed down to us in order to help us to learn, by rote, the knowledge of modern civilization. Chinese, Jewish, and Muslim calendars are living examples of other methods for marking the passing of the seasons. These calendars are based upon events in the heavens, just like ancient people and other creatures did 30,000 years ago. Being can only be understood in a relative sense. Where a being is with respect to another being is the only measure of "space-time." Einstein’s celebrated theory of relativity is proof of this fact. We can choose to ignore this fact, but it does not cease to be the core essence of existence.